
     Hey there! Welcome to the very small blip of the internet that I call home. My name is Emily Anne Williams, and just like most human beings, I have a lot of ambitions and interests. If I had to say a job title I'd naively consider myself a writer and translator. I started my blog Zinc & Ink back in 2014 as a doe-eyed high school senior, excited to put my thoughts into the universe so they could be completely decimated by everyone else. As I have grown, so has this site, and we both will continue to do so.
     Right now I'm a full-time student at the University of California in Santa Barbara, I started my fourth and final year in Fall 2018. I study linguistics with a Spanish emphasis and a minor in German studies, though I love all languages. I have a background in American Sign Language, and lately I've been dabbling in Korean. To help support my smoothie habit I contribute satire and listicles to the Nexustentialism section of the Daily Nexus. Last year I began cooking for an on-campus catering company.
     Thanks for stopping by.

Last updated: December 2018